版主的上述結論與英國BFPSA, BS5839, BS6266中的相關規定不謀而合哦,在英國規範中將空間的環境氣流類型分為靜止空氣(Still Air),舒適空調(Comfort Coing)及高速氣流(Fast Air)三種。在前二種的靜止空氣與舒適空調的環境下,煙霧探測器在靜止空氣的保護面積比舒適空調的保護面積還要小。就如同版主的測試結果,在靜止空氣當中,由於煙霧只能靠自身的熱量垂直向上移動,在碰到天花板後再水平飄到煙霧探測器的位置,因此煙霧抵達探測器所需的時間比起在舒適空調的情況下,由於氣流的幫助,所以反而能夠較快的抵達探測器。當然上述的氣流流速不能太快,如果太快那適用的標準就要變成快速氣流(Fast Air)那一欄了。
13.5 Spacing of sampling points onSecondary Systems In areas of low or still air movement, itis preferable to configure the A.D.S. as a secondary system as if it were apoint type smoke detection system. Due to the available systems on themarket there are three fundamental types of application where the spacing ofsampling points will be different: i) Where a sampling point directlyequates to a normal point type smoke detector (see 4.2(b) of this code) andthen clauses 12 of BS5839: Part 1: 1988 can be directly applied. ii) Where a defined performance test is asystem requirement and the sampling point equates to (i) above then the arearequirements defined in clause 12.2.2 of BS5839: Part 1: 1988 note will beamended as per Table 1 | | | | A.D.S. Sensitivity Test | | | | | | Very High | | | | | | Enhanced | | | | | Normal | | | | |
Table 1 iii) Where the A.D.S. defines that anumber of sampling points are required to equate to the area covered by a pointtype smoke detector as clause 12.2.2. of BS5839: Part 1: 1988 then thesesampling points should be evenly distributed across the area being protectedwith due allowance for directional air movement. 13.5.1 Ceilings and roofs using secondarysampling systems The consideration within BS5839 : Part1 :1988, clause 12.2.3., for the sensing element of smoke detectors to be locatedwithin 25mm to 600mm of the ceiling or roof may still apply to sampling points.It must be noted that many A.D.S. will be drawing a continuous sample at theceiling level and this may enable the sampling points to be mounted flush tothe ceiling. Any such mounted applications should have been previously provenagainst similar criteria and used within the design brief. For detectors mounted in the apex of apitched or north light roof the recommendations of Table 2 or 13.5. for thehorizontal distance from the point to the detector may be increased by 1% foreach degree of slope of the roof up to a maximum increase of 25% and the area limits per sampling pointgiven in Table 1 may be increased in proportion to the square of the increaseddistance.